How to Manage Resource Working Calendars for Recurring Tasks in Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project is a powerful project management tool that enables project managers to plan, track, and manage their projects effectively. One of the critical aspects of project management is managing resources, and Microsoft Project provides an excellent way to manage resource working calendars for recurring tasks. By setting up resource working calendars, project managers can ensure that resources are available when needed and can avoid scheduling conflicts. In this article, we will discuss how to manage resource working calendars for recurring tasks in Microsoft Project.

Understanding Resource Working Calendars

A resource calendar defines the working times of a person, equipment, or other resources assigned to a task. In Microsoft Project, every resource has its own calendar, which determines when they are available to work on tasks. By default, the resource calendar is set to match the project calendar, but it can be modified according to the availability of the resource.

The working days, hours, and holidays of a resource calendar can be customized to reflect the actual working schedule of each resource. For example, if a resource is only available Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM, then you can set up a custom calendar that reflects those working hours. This ensures that the resource is not scheduled to work outside of their availability, which can cause delays and other issues with the project.

Creating a Custom Resource Calendar

To create a custom resource calendar in Microsoft Project, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Resource Sheet” view.
  2. Select the resource you want to modify.
  3. Click on the “Change Working Time” button in the ribbon.
  4. In the “Change Working Time” dialog box, select “Create New Calendar.”
  5. Give your new calendar a name and click “OK.”
  6. Customise the working days, hours and holidays for the new calendar.
  7. Save the new calendar.

Once you have created a custom resource calendar, you can assign it to the appropriate resources in your project.

Assigning a Resource Calendar to a Task

To assign a resource calendar to a task in Microsoft Project, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Gantt Chart” view.
  2. Select the task you want to assign a resource to.
  3. Click on the “Resource” tab in the ribbon.
  4. Click on the “Assign Resources” button.
  5. In the “Assign Resources” dialog box, select the resource you want to assign to the task.
  6. In the “Units” column, enter the percentage of time the resource will be assigned to the task.
  7. In the “Start” and “Finish” columns, enter the start and finish dates for the task.
  8. Click “OK” to assign the resource to the task.

When you assign a resource to a task, Microsoft Project automatically uses the resource’s calendar to determine when they are available to work on the task. This ensures that the resource is not scheduled to work outside of their availability, which can cause scheduling conflicts.

Managing Recurring Tasks with Resource Calendars

Recurring tasks are tasks that occur at regular intervals throughout the project. When managing recurring tasks, it’s important to ensure that the appropriate resources are available each time the task occurs. By using resource calendars, you can ensure that the right resources are available when they are needed, even for recurring tasks.

To manage recurring tasks with resource calendars in Microsoft Project, follow these steps:

  1. Create the recurring task in your project.
  2. Assign the appropriate resources to the task.
  3. Set the recurrence pattern for the task, including the start and end dates and the frequency of the task.
  4. Click on the “Advanced” tab in the “Task Information” dialog box.
  5. In the “Recurring Task Information” dialog box, select “Custom” under the “Duration” section.
  6. Enter the number of working days or hours for the task duration.
  7. Select the appropriate resource calendar for the task.
  8. Click “OK” to save the recurring task.

When you set up a recurring task with a resource calendar in Microsoft Project, the software automatically considers the resource’s availability for each occurrence of the task. This ensures that the resource is available when needed for the recurring task, which can help prevent scheduling conflicts and ensure the project stays on track.


Managing resource working calendars for recurring tasks is an essential aspect of project management in Microsoft Project. By setting up custom resource calendars and assigning them to tasks, project managers can ensure that resources are available when needed and prevent scheduling conflicts. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can manage resource working calendars effectively and ensure the success of your projects.
