How to Set Up Resource Working Calendars for Part-Time Resources in Microsoft Project

When managing a project with resources working part-time, it is essential to set up their working calendars correctly. By doing so, you can ensure that your project schedules accurately reflect the availability of your resources and avoid overbooking or underutilizing them. This article will guide you through the steps of setting up resource working calendars for part-time resources using Microsoft Project.

Setting up working calendars for part-time resources involves creating a custom calendar that reflects the working hours and days of each resource. You can then assign this calendar to the corresponding resource in Microsoft Project to reflect their availability accurately. The following steps will help you create a resource calendar:

Step 1: Create a New Calendar

  1. In Microsoft Project, click on the Project tab, select Change Working Time from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click on the Create New Calendar button.
  3. Enter a name for the new calendar, such as “Part-Time Resource Calendar.”
  4. Choose the Base Calendar to use as a starting point for your new calendar. This base calendar determines the typical working days and hours that apply to your organization. If you need to create a calendar that deviates significantly from the base calendar, select the closest one to the desired working schedule.
  5. Click OK to create the new calendar.

Step 2: Define Working Days and Hours

  1. Select the new calendar from the list of available calendars.
  2. Define the working days by clicking on the days of the week in the Calendar view. A selected day appears in blue, while an unselected day appears in white.
  3. Define the working hours by clicking and dragging the mouse cursor over the hours in the time scale at the top of the Calendar view. You can create multiple time periods by clicking and dragging over different parts of the time scale.
  4. Set any nonworking days by clicking on the day in the Calendar view and selecting Nonworking Time from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click OK to save the changes.

Step 3: Assign the Calendar to Resources

  1. In Microsoft Project, select the Resource Sheet view.
  2. Select the resource you want to assign the new calendar to.
  3. In the Resource Information dialog box, click on the Change Working Time button.
  4. Select the new calendar from the list of available calendars.
  5. Click OK to assign the calendar to the selected resource.

It is also possible to copy an existing resource calendar and modify it to reflect the working hours and days of a part-time resource. To do so, follow these steps:

Copy an Existing Resource Calendar

  1. In Microsoft Project, select the Resource Sheet view.
  2. Select the resource whose calendar you want to copy.
  3. In the Resource Information dialog box, click on the Change Working Time button.
  4. Select the existing calendar from the list of available calendars.
  5. Click on the Create New Calendar button.
  6. Enter a name for the new calendar, such as “Part-Time Resource Calendar.”
  7. Modify the working days and hours as necessary.
  8. Click OK to save the changes.

Once you have set up the working calendars for your part-time resources, you can use them in your project schedules to ensure accurate resource allocation. Keep in mind that you may need to adjust the duration of tasks based on the availability of your resources.

In conclusion, setting up resource working calendars for part-time resources in Microsoft Project involves creating a custom calendar that reflects their working hours and days and then assigning this calendar to the corresponding resource. By doing so, you can ensure that your project schedules accurately reflect the availability of your resources and avoid overbooking or underutilizing them.
