How to Search for a Specific Task or Resource in Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project is a powerful project management tool that helps businesses and individuals plan, track, and manage their projects. With its vast array of features, it can be overwhelming to navigate through the platform, particularly if you’re new to it. One of the most important skills you’ll need to master is how to search for a specific task or resource in the software. This will help you save time and stay organized, especially when you’re working on a large project with numerous tasks and resources.

In this article, we’ll show you how to search for a specific task or resource in Microsoft Project. We’ll cover everything from how to use the search bar to advanced search techniques that will help you find what you’re looking for quickly and efficiently. So let’s get started!

The search bar is one of the easiest and most basic ways to search for a task or resource in Microsoft Project. To use it, simply follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Search bar located at the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Type in the name of the task or resource you’re looking for.
  3. Press Enter to run the search.

If Microsoft Project finds a match, it will highlight the task or resource in the project view. You can then click on the task or resource to view its properties and make any necessary changes.

Advanced Search Techniques

While the search bar is convenient, it may not always yield the results you’re looking for, especially if you’re working on a complex project. In such cases, you can use more advanced search techniques to refine your search and find what you’re looking for. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Using Filters

Filters allow you to narrow down your search by applying specific criteria to your search. For example, you can filter your project by task name, duration, start date, or resource name.

To use filters, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Filter button located at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the criteria you want to filter by. For example, if you want to filter by task name, select the Task Name option.
  3. Enter the name of the task or resource you’re looking for in the Value field.
  4. Click on Apply to run the filter.

If Microsoft Project finds a match, it will display the results in the project view. You can then click on the task or resource to view its properties and make any necessary changes.

Using Find

The Find feature allows you to search for specific text within a task or resource’s properties. This is useful if you’re looking for a particular piece of information, such as a note or a specific date.

To use Find, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Find button located at the top of the screen.
  2. Type in the text you want to search for in the Find What field.
  3. Choose the scope of your search. For example, you can search within the selected task, the entire project, or just the displayed tasks.
  4. Click on Find Next to run the search.

If Microsoft Project finds a match, it will highlight the text in the corresponding property field. You can then make any necessary changes to the property or keep searching until you find the information you’re looking for.

Using Custom Views

Custom views allow you to create your own views of your project based on specific criteria. For example, you can create a custom view that shows all tasks that are due in the next week or all resources assigned to a particular task.

To create a custom view, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the View tab located at the top of the screen.
  2. Select More Views from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click on New to create a new view.
  4. Choose the criteria you want to use for your custom view. For example, if you want to show all tasks that are due in the next week, select the Due Date criterion and enter the appropriate date range.
  5. Save your custom view by giving it a name and clicking on OK.

Once you’ve created your custom view, you can switch to it by selecting it from the View tab. Microsoft Project will then display only the tasks or resources that meet the criteria you specified.


Searching for a specific task or resource in Microsoft Project doesn’t have to be difficult. By using the search bar, filters, Find, and custom views, you can quickly and efficiently find what you’re looking for. Whether you’re working on a small project or a large one, mastering these search techniques will help you stay organized and on track.
