How to Manage Workload and Resource Allocation for Multiple Projects in Microsoft Project

Managing multiple projects simultaneously can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to workload and resource allocation. It can be challenging to keep track of each project’s progress and ensure that everything is on schedule. This is where project management tools like Microsoft Project come in handy. Microsoft Project helps users manage multiple projects at once, allowing them to allocate resources and balance workloads effectively.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how to manage workload and resource allocation for multiple projects in Microsoft Project. We’ll go over different features and techniques that will help you stay organized and keep your projects on track.

Creating a Project Schedule

Before we dive into workload and resource allocation, we need to create a project schedule. A project schedule outlines the tasks that need to be completed, their durations, and dependencies between tasks. Here are the steps to create a project schedule in Microsoft Project:

  1. Create a new project by clicking on File > New > Blank Project.
  2. Add tasks to the project by clicking on Task > Insert Task or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + N.
  3. Assign durations to each task by double-clicking on the task and entering the duration in the Duration field.
  4. Define dependencies between tasks by selecting one task and then clicking on its predecessor.
  5. Set milestones by selecting a task and then clicking on Mark on the Task tab.

Once you have created a project schedule, you can move on to managing workload and resource allocation.

Balancing Workloads

Balancing workloads is crucial to ensuring that each project progresses smoothly. It involves distributing tasks evenly among team members to avoid overloading some team members while others have little to do. Here are a few techniques for balancing workloads in Microsoft Project:

Use the Task Inspector

The Task Inspector in Microsoft Project provides a quick overview of each task’s details, including its duration, resource assignments, and predecessors. It also shows whether the task is overallocated, indicating that the assigned resources are insufficient to complete the task within its duration.

Utilize Resource Leveling

Resource leveling automatically adjusts task start and end dates to balance workloads among team members. To use resource leveling, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Resource > Level Resources.
  2. Choose a leveling option from the Leveling Calculations drop-down menu.
  3. Click OK.

Assign Tasks Manually

Manually assigning tasks ensures that team members are assigned tasks according to their availability and skillset. Here are the steps for manually assigning tasks:

  1. Select a task and click on the Assign Resources button.
  2. Choose a team member from the list of available resources.
  3. Enter the assignment units (percentage of the team member’s time allocated to the task).
  4. Click OK.

Allocating Resources

Resource allocation involves assigning team members, equipment, and materials to tasks based on their availability and skillset. Effective resource allocation ensures that each project has the necessary resources to complete tasks on time. Here are a few techniques for allocating resources in Microsoft Project:

Use the Resource Sheet View

The Resource Sheet view in Microsoft Project displays a list of all the resources used in a project, their availability, and their total costs. It allows you to quickly assign resources to tasks by dragging and dropping them onto the task.

Utilize the Resource Usage View

The Resource Usage view displays a detailed breakdown of each resource’s assignments and their workload. It helps you identify overallocated resources and adjust their assignments accordingly.

Track Resource Costs

Microsoft Project allows you to track resource costs, including labor, equipment, and material costs. By tracking resource costs, you can ensure that your project stays within budget.


Managing workload and resource allocation for multiple projects can be challenging, but with the right tools and techniques, it’s achievable. Microsoft Project provides a range of features and functions that help users balance workloads, allocate resources effectively, and keep projects on track.

In summary, we discussed how to create a project schedule, balance workloads, and allocate resources in Microsoft Project. We hope this article has been helpful in giving you an overview of how to manage workload and resource allocation effectively in Microsoft Project.
