SLACK TIME September 07, 2022

How to Find Slack Time for a Task in Microsoft Project

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How to Find Slack Time for a Task in Microsoft Project

When it comes to managing a project, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the time required for each task. However, sometimes there may be some flexibility in terms of when a task needs to be completed. This flexibility is known as slack time or float time. Slack time refers to the amount of time that a task can be delayed without affecting the overall project deadline. In Microsoft Project, finding the slack time for a task can help you identify which tasks are critical and which ones can be delayed without impacting the project timeline.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps of finding slack time for a task in Microsoft Project. We will also discuss the importance of slack time and how it can be used to manage your project more effectively.

Understanding Slack Time

Before we dive into the specifics of finding slack time in Microsoft Project, let’s take a closer look at what slack time is and why it’s important. As we mentioned earlier, slack time is the amount of time that a task can be delayed without affecting the overall project deadline. It’s important to note that not all tasks have slack time. Only tasks that are not on the critical path have slack time.

The critical path is the longest sequence of tasks that determines the earliest possible completion date of a project. Any delay in a task on the critical path will result in a delay in the project deadline. Tasks that are not on the critical path can be delayed without affecting the project deadline. These tasks have slack time.

Slack time is an essential concept in project management because it allows you to identify which tasks are critical and which ones are not. This information can help you prioritize tasks and allocate resources more effectively.

Finding Slack Time in Microsoft Project

Now that you understand the importance of slack time, let’s take a look at how to find it in Microsoft Project. Here are the steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Project and select the task for which you want to find slack time.
  2. Click on the “View” tab and select “Gantt Chart.”
  3. Locate the task on the Gantt Chart.
  4. Select the task by clicking on it.
  5. Right-click on the task and select “Information” from the context menu.
  6. In the Task Information dialog box, click on the “Advanced” tab.
  7. Look for the field labeled “Total Slack.”
  8. The value in this field represents the amount of slack time for the selected task.

It’s important to note that if the value in the Total Slack field is zero, the task is on the critical path, and there is no slack time.

Using Slack Time to Manage Your Project

Now that you know how to find slack time in Microsoft Project, let’s talk about how you can use this information to manage your project more effectively. One way to use slack time is to prioritize tasks based on their importance. Tasks that are on the critical path should be given the highest priority, as any delay in these tasks will result in a delay in the project deadline. Tasks with slack time can be delayed without affecting the project deadline, so they can be given a lower priority.

Another way to use slack time is to allocate resources more effectively. Tasks with slack time may not require as many resources as critical path tasks, so you can allocate resources accordingly. This can help you optimize resource usage and avoid overloading your team members.

Overall, understanding slack time and using it to manage your project can help you make better decisions and ensure that your project stays on track.


Finding slack time in Microsoft Project is a straightforward process that can provide valuable insights into your project’s timeline. By identifying which tasks have slack time, you can prioritize tasks and allocate resources more effectively. We hope this article has been helpful in understanding the concept of slack time and how to find it in Microsoft Project.

Remember, project management tools like Microsoft Project,, Wrike, Clarizen, ClickUp, Smartsheet, and GanttPRO can all help you manage your project more efficiently. With the right tools and knowledge, you can ensure that your project stays on track and meets its objectives.
