How to Manage Workload for Remote and Distributed Teams in Microsoft Project

Managing workload for remote and distributed teams can be a daunting task, especially in today’s world of remote work. One solution is to use Microsoft Project, which can help you manage your team’s workload efficiently while keeping everyone on track. In this article, we will discuss how to manage workload for remote and distributed teams using Microsoft Project.

Understanding Workload Management in Microsoft Project

Before we dive into the details of managing workload for remote and distributed teams, it’s important to have a basic understanding of workload management in Microsoft Project. In Microsoft Project, workload refers to the amount of work that a resource is assigned over a certain period of time.

Managing workload involves balancing the workload across all resources and ensuring that each resource is not overloaded with work. This helps to prevent burnout, reduce stress, and ensure that all tasks are completed on time.

Using the Workload View in Microsoft Project

One of the key features of Microsoft Project is the workload view, which allows you to see the workload of each resource and adjust it as necessary. To access the workload view, click on the “View” tab and select “Resource Views” and then “Workload”.

The workload view displays the total hours of work assigned to each resource for each day, week, or month. This makes it easy to identify any resources that are overloaded or underutilized, and adjust their workload accordingly.

Assigning Resources to Tasks

To assign resources to tasks in Microsoft Project, click on the task that you want to assign a resource to, and then click on the “Resource Names” field in the task details pane. From there, you can select the resource that you want to assign to the task and set the amount of work that you want them to do.

You can also assign multiple resources to a task, which can help to distribute the workload evenly across your team.

Tracking Progress

To ensure that your team is staying on track and completing tasks on time, it’s important to track progress regularly. In Microsoft Project, you can do this by updating the percentage of work completed for each task.

To update the percentage of work completed, click on the task that you want to update and then enter the percentage of work completed in the “% Complete” field in the task details pane.

Best Practices for Managing Workload for Remote and Distributed Teams

Managing workload for remote and distributed teams requires some additional considerations compared to managing workload for co-located teams. Here are some best practices to help you manage workload effectively for remote and distributed teams using Microsoft Project.

Establish Clear Communication Channels

Clear communication is essential for managing workload effectively, particularly for remote and distributed teams. Make sure everyone on the team knows who to contact if they have questions or concerns about their workload.

Setting up regular check-ins, such as weekly meetings or daily stand-ups, can also help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

Be Flexible and Adaptable

Remote and distributed teams often face unexpected challenges, such as changes in workload or unexpected absences. Being flexible and adaptable is key to managing workload effectively in these situations.

Make sure that you have contingency plans in place for when unexpected events occur. This could include having backup resources available or adjusting schedules and timelines to accommodate changes in workload.

Use Collaboration Tools

Collaboration tools can help to streamline communication and make it easier to manage workload for remote and distributed teams. Look for tools that integrate with Microsoft Project, such as GanttPRO or ClickUp, to help you manage workload more efficiently.

Using collaboration tools can also help to improve transparency and accountability, as everyone on the team will be able to see what tasks are assigned to each resource and how much work is being done.

Prioritize Work-Life Balance

Managing workload effectively also means prioritizing work-life balance for your team. Avoid overloading resources with too much work, and make sure that everyone has adequate time to rest and recharge.

Encouraging healthy work-life balance can not only help to prevent burnout, but it can also improve employee morale and productivity.


Managing workload for remote and distributed teams using Microsoft Project requires clear communication, flexibility, and the use of collaboration tools. By following best practices such as establishing clear communication channels, being flexible and adaptable, using collaboration tools, and prioritizing work-life balance, you can ensure that your team stays on track and completes tasks efficiently and effectively.
